Month: January 2020

Dynamics 365 and Power Apps

Making it rain with SunCulture and Microsoft Azure

Water access is the biggest challenge faced by African farmers like Monica Riitho in the Kenyan village of Matanya. But thanks to SunCulture’s solar-powered irrigation system running on the #MicrosoftAzure IoT platform, they now have a chance to thrive. Learn how by watching this short video, then contact GMR IT SOLUTIONS LIMITED to discover how innovative Microsoft technologies like Azure can help your business thrive.

Houston accelerates growth by accelerating entrepreneurship

How do you bounce back from a devastating natural catastrophe like Hurricane Harvey in 2017? If you’re the city of Houston, you don’t—instead, you “bounce forward.” Watch how Microsoft, the city of Houston, Rice University, and other public and private entities are helping Houston transform the town into a cutting-edge hub for startups and entrepreneurs. Contact GMR IT SOLUTIONS LIMITED and let us show you how Microsoft technology can help your business move forward by transforming itself digitally.