{How to} enable Microsoft Teams Collaboration and chat from Dynamics 365 Sales App

Dynamics 365 and Power Apps

{How to} enable Microsoft Teams Collaboration and chat from Dynamics 365 Sales App

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to show how to enable microsoft teams collaboration and chat from Dynamics 365 Sales App.

Let’s get’s started.

Login into Dynamics 365 Sales App.

Change the settings to “APP SETTINGS”.

Click on the “Chat and collaboration”

Microsoft Teams collaboration and chat – seamlessly collaborate with Dynamics 365 Teams members.

Some of the settings here you need to enable, lets see what they are ?

Turn on the linking of Dynamics 365 records to Microsoft Teams channels – Lets people in your org connect records and views to Teams channels, and let them open records in teams during meetings.

Turn on Enhanced Microsoft Teams Integration – Allows pinning of records and views to a teams channel directly from Dynamics 365 and suggests members to be added. Requires tenant admin permissions. When this settings turned on – tenant admin show approve or allow for this integration.

Turn on Confidential Labels – Create private Teams and add sensitivity/confidentiality labels in the Enhanced Microsoft Teams Integration.

Turn on Microsoft Teams chats inside Dynamics 365 – Engage in Teams chats with coworkers right from Dynamics 365 = ON.

Show Teams chats on the connected records timeline(Preview). – Sync Teams chat data with Dynamics 365 records. This will allow chat activity to show up on the timeline.

Note: Only a global administrator can turn on this settings.

Finally SAVE.

You can also enable Sales Copilot (preview) which allows to you to prepare for the upcoming meetings, just type in the questions you will get response appropriately if sales copilot is enabled on this Sales App.

Final settings will be like this below screenshot.

That’s it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)


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