Send text messages using Vibes on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing
Hello Everyone,
Today I am going to show how to send text messages from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Markerting using Vibes Account.
Let’s get’s started.
Suppose business want to connect to existing customers through text messages. You can use your Vibes account to do all real time marketing to send text messages to maximize customer engagement.

We can leverage existing Out of the box funtionalities such as personalization, templates, and analytics to unlock the potential of vibes.

- Connect your existing Vibes Account and add the phone numbers you’re already using.
- Create message using the Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Journeys ( former Dynamics 365 Marketing) text message editor.
- You can build and optimize customer journeys using the full suite of text message including personalization, two-way communication, interactions and analytics.
That’s it for today.
I hope this helps.
Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)
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