[How to] Deliver common experience to multiple audiences with single journey in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

Dynamics 365 and Power Apps

[How to] Deliver common experience to multiple audiences with single journey in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on delivering common experience to multiple audiences with single journey.

Let’s get’s started.

To deliver a common experience to multiple audiences within a single journey using Dynamics 3675 Cusotmer Insights – Journeys, you can now include multiple sgements in a sing;e journey. Here’s how:

1. Create Multiple Segments: Define distinct audience segments based on criteria such as demographics, behaviors or engagement levels.

2. Design a Unified Customer Journey: Within Dynamics 365, navigate to Engagement > Journeys and create a new journey.

3. Add multiple Segments to the Journey: In the Journeys Entry settings, select and add the previously created segements. This allows members from all chosen segments to enter the same journey flow.

4. Cusomize Shared Experiences: Design the journeys steps – such as emails, messages and events. that all segment members will experience, ensuring consistent messaging across audiences.

By considering multiple segments into a single journey, you streamline management and ensure a cohesive experience for diverse audiences

That’s  it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(aka UK365GUY)
