Author: admin

Dynamics 365 and Power Apps

Boost productivity and increase revenue

55% of sales reps think their company’s sales tools are an obstacle instead of a facilitator. That’s because companies often have multiple tools to take a single customer through the sales process. This results in sales reps who are spending more time dealing with sales tools than actually interacting with customers.

At GMR IT SOLUTIONS LIMITED, we believe your sales tools should enhance the sales process, not hinder it. Contact us to learn more about streamlining workflows and supporting your sales reps with Dynamics 365 for Sales.

How to use custom help panes and guided tasks for Unified Interface

How to use custom help panes and guided tasks for Unified Interface
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Customer Story: Esme Loans

“The SME’s are the powerhouse of the UK economy. For a typical SME, the process of going to a bank and getting money is quite painful. We saw a real opportunity to actually go into that market and really properly disrupt it” – Esme Co-Founder & CEO, Richard Kerton.

Esme’s ambition was to create a digital business model that delivered a great experience for its customers. By partnering with Microsoft Azure, they were able to build a cloud data warehouse and take advantage of AI and machine learning.

Check out this video to learn more about Esme’s story.

Deliver exceptional shopping experiences with Dynamics 365 Commerce

Deliver exceptional shopping experiences with Dynamics 365 Commerce
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4 ways AI helps business protect the environment

The world we live in is extremely complex. With so many moving parts, it can be difficult to know what steps to take to protect the environment, even for businesses with the best intentions.

Luckily, AI is giving us a way to understand our environmental impact holistically and in real time.

At GMR IT SOLUTIONS LIMITED, we believe that AI can have a positive impact on more than just your bottom line. Contact us to learn more about how you can use AI to reduce your own impact on the environment.

How CIOs can promote diversity and inclusion

Is your workplace as diverse as it needs to be? If you’re looking to create a more diverse workforce, there are a few things you can do to ensure you’re getting the right talent. You can start by listening to your employees. Find out where they need support and how to deliver it to them. Business runs better when you have the right tools to promote communication within your organization.

At GMR IT SOLUTIONS LIMITED, we have been helping businesses just like yours to facilitate communication and achieve more by planning and implementing the right digital solutions. Contact us today to find out more.

4 Reasons Why Companies are Choosing CRM Over Traditional Marketing tools

Traditional marketing techniques focus on specific avenues of communication with customers. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems, on the other hand, focus on each individual customer.

Today, as more and more customers base their purchasing decisions on their relationship with sellers rather than the products sold, the CRM approach to marketing is proving uniquely effective.

Thinking about integrating your sales and marketing efforts into a single CRM system? At GMR IT SOLUTIONS LIMITED, we can help you find the system perfectly suited to your business. Contact us to learn more.

Deliver seamless commerce with a complete omnichannel solution from Dynamics 365 Commerce

Deliver seamless commerce with a complete omnichannel solution from Dynamics 365 Commerce
#Dynamics365 #Service #Powerplatform #manufacturing #engineering #medical #leisure #insurance #solar #professional #poweraddicts #msftd365 #IoT #financialservices #insights #relationships #smbs #customerservice #omnichannel #commerce #store

Data Migration Process: How Agencies Can Successfully Move Data to Modern Systems

Planning a data migration from on-premises to the cloud? There are a few ways to get a head start on the process. Begin to think about which staff will be involved, the timing of the move, and what critical infrastructure data you need to move and why. With the right analysis, you can begin to build out a roadmap for your shift to the cloud.

At GMR IT SOLUTIONS LIMITED, we have worked on dozens of migrations, and we want to help you plan a smooth and fast transition to the cloud. Contact us today to begin your journey to off-premises computing.

Deliver differentiated customer experiences with Dynamics 365

Deliver differentiated customer experiences with Dynamics 365
#Dynamics365 #Service #Powerplatform #trial #manufacturing #engineering #medical #leisure #insurance #solar #professional #survey #d365 #poweraddicts #msftd365 #IoT #financialservices #insights #relationships #smbs #customerservice #analytics