
Dynamics 365 and Power Apps

Authoring a guide in Dynamics 365 Guides using the HoloLens app (for HoloLens 1)

Authoring a guide in Dynamics 365 Guides using the HoloLens app (for HoloLens 1)
#Dynamics365 #powerplatform

How to set up a circular code anchor in Dynamics 365 Guides

How to set up a circular code anchor in Dynamics 365 Guides
#powerplatform #dynamics365

Responding to COVID-19 together

It’s promising to see people step forward to help during the COVID-19 scare. Microsoft determined four areas to focus response efforts: remote working, education, community support, and technical support. Have a look at “Responding to COVID-19 together” both for ideas and inspiration—and to check out resources that might support your needs right now.

Responding to COVID-19 together

It’s promising to see people step forward to help during the COVID-19 scare. Microsoft determined four areas to focus response efforts: remote working, education, community support, and technical support. Have a look at “Responding to COVID-19 together” both for ideas and inspiration—and to check out resources that might support your needs right now.

How to set up a holographic anchor in Dynamics 365 Guides

How to set up a holographic anchor in Dynamics 365 Guides
#Dynamics365 #powerplatform #hologram

Promoting Workplace Mental Health in the Age of COVID-19

There’s been a lot of information disseminated about how to avoid coming in contact with the COVID-19. What we haven’t seen as much is communication on helping people handle the mental and emotional issues that arise with a health scare such as this. Elizabeth Bille and Erin McClintock, in their blog for the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), share expert strategies designed to support mental wellness efforts in the workplace—while also maintaining physical health and productivity of employees. Read this article and consider ways you can support your employees’ mental health.

How to set up a QR code anchor in Dynamics 365 Guides

How to set up a QR code anchor in Dynamics 365 Guides

Get started with a 30-day free trial of Dynamics 365 Sales Professional

Get started with a 30-day free trial of Dynamics 365 Sales Professional
#Dynamics365 #sales #manufacturing #medical #healthcare #engineering #leisure

Promoting Workplace Mental Health in the Age of COVID-19

There’s been a lot of information disseminated about how to avoid coming in contact with the COVID-19. What we haven’t seen as much is communication on helping people handle the mental and emotional issues that arise with a health scare such as this. Elizabeth Bille and Erin McClintock, in their blog for the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), share expert strategies designed to support mental wellness efforts in the workplace—while also maintaining physical health and productivity of employees. Read this article and consider ways you can support your employees’ mental health.

Responding to COVID-19 together

It’s promising to see people step forward to help during the COVID-19 scare. Microsoft determined four areas to focus response efforts: remote working, education, community support, and technical support. Have a look at “Responding to COVID-19 together” both for ideas and inspiration—and to check out resources that might support your needs right now.#microsoft